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Create A Ceramic

About The Project

To captivate the interest of young children in the realm of traditional ceramic art, an innovative 3D interactive installation has been conceived at the National Gallery's Children Museum, specifically designed for the Keppel Centre for Art Education. This imaginative exhibit invites visitors to embark on a virtual pottery-making adventure using a touch screen interface.


Mar 2017


Concept, Art Direction, Content Development & Production

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Virtual Pottery Playground: Igniting Creativity

Using a touch screen, visitors can mold and choose up to 6 different types of glazing to free-form paint their creations. Upon completion, the virtual pottery will be sent to one of the 3 holographic kilns where visitors will be able to see the animation of fire heating the pottery. After the heating is complete, the ceramic works will be sent towards a virtual shelf displayed via a big projection on the wall.

Holographic Kilns

Upon completing their virtual masterpieces, the journey takes an enchanting turn. The digital pottery is seamlessly transported into one of three holographic kilns, where visitors can witness the animated spectacle of fiery heat enveloping their crafted works. The culmination of this virtual firing process is a mesmerizing display projected onto a prominent wall, showcasing the transformed ceramic creations on a virtual shelf. This dynamic and engaging experience not only introduces children to the art of pottery but also seamlessly merges traditional techniques with cutting-edge technology, creating an immersive and memorable encounter within the museum setting.

Char Yong160th Anniversary
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